I am grateful for my voice. Ten days I ago I woke up with painful sinuses. Twelve hours later it was already sinking down to my vocal chords. By the next day I had full blown laryngitis, only capable of talking in a bass voice or none at all. This is not a new thing for me. In my 20's, I would get sick often and every time I got a cold, I would also get laryngitis. So I know what to do. Be patient. Be quiet. Drink lots of fluids and be very patient. The only way to heal is to rest the voice.
Meantime, I had two beloved friends from choir over the last decade, have to leave choir because they could no longer sing, for various physical reasons. So I am aware that such a precious gift as a voice can be lost, without warning. So this morning, when I woke up and grabbed my guitar and could sing a couple notes, I was thrilled. It's been character building to be quite and be patient but I'd rather have my voice.
With my voice, I get to sing, I get to talk with my girlfriends for hours, I could coo at my grandchildren when they were born and giggle with my husband over our silliness. With my voice I can show people I care and it helps me express what's happening inside me.And did I mention singing?! Being able to sing, especially with others, is one of the greatest joys of my life! That's another whole blog entry.
I'm never going to be an opera singer or superstar, but I am grateful to know I have a voice, not someone else's voice but my voice. And I'm grateful that my body knows how to heal itself after a cold so I can get that voice back. Because I love to sing! and I love to talk with people! and I love to laugh and giggle!
Today, I'm grateful for my voice!
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