Monday, April 21, 2014


In January I was a writer: teaching and inviting others to express fully
In February I was a retreat leader, inviting others to new ways of prayer with my teaching
In March I was a worship leader and a preacher during Lenten worship services
In April I sang a duet and emceed a celebration event

Monday, I am spiritual director
Tuesday, I am a hospice singer
Wednesday, I am a volunteer coordinator for the Dragonfly Project
Thursday, I'll help teach a class about leading retreats to other soon to be spiritual directors
Friday, I'll be a writer, a photographer and a friend

for a few minutes this morning I was a painter
and then I was a teacher
and all the while my back hurt, I am just another stressed person
later this afternoon I'll be practicing holy listening
tonight I'll be a cook

once upon a time I was
an administrative assistant,
a finance manager
and an awesome mom

just following my heart
one minute
one moment
one invitation at time

and noticing that the sun shines
or the rain falls
on each without preference
yet full acceptance
of the value
of each


April 21, 2014

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Longing to LIghten the Load

Journal entry  February 21, 2014
considering shedding...

growing up a missionary kid in a third world country,
I could count my possessions easily
3 pairs of shorts, 5 blouses
1 pair of shoes
a swimsuit
2 dresses to wear on Sundays
a sweater
a hat
my own Bible
my own journal
a couple silver bracelets

time was not wasted wanting more
nor managing my possessions save for laundry day
time was spent wondering, visiting friends,
climbing trees and mountains
bare feet on the ground
listening, watching
this is where I used to live

Grandpa's letters
Mom's journals
Uncle Kenneth's family tree
Han's boyhood, his whole life
souvenirs of my life in Madagascar
bits of the people I've lost
pieces of the places I've left behind
mementos and scraps I've written.
old reports from committees I've served
mixed in with leftover crayons
parts from toys long abandoned
junk overflows
lives in the dark corners of my basement
multiplies on flat surfaces everywhere
this is where I live now

feather light
lifted up on spirit's breath
like being a hole in the flute
music comes through
love stretching arms and hands
life wide open
hearts in flight
this is how i long to live

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


YOU ARE by jules 11/14/2001

You are the gardener,
            Tenderly turning the soil,
Watering, fertilizing,
            Caring for each leaf and root,
You are the gardener,
            Loving unconditionally
Which the plants accept fully,
            Returning it with their fruitfulness.

You are the carpenter,
            Caressing, molding the wood
Finding usefulness in beauty,
            Finding beauty hidden deep within,
You are the Carpenter,
Carefully, precisely cutting,
Polishing, finishing,
Until the wood gives its luster.

You are the farmer,
            Tending his animals,
Respecting their needs,
            As they honor you,
You are the farmer,
            Nurturing, guiding,
 Knowing when to give
            And when to take.

You are the musician,
            Learning your craft,
Studying the masters and the common folk,
            You are the musician,
Pouring your soul out,
            Sharing the melody of your heart with others,
Lifting the spirit up to Life.

You are the healer
            Listening with your wisdom,
Touching with your heart,
            Accepting the child within,
You are the healer,
            Letting go of all that blocks,
So love flows freely
            Through you.

You are the student,
            Opening yourself to new possibilities,
Searching for Truth and Knowledge,
            No longer taking things for granted.
You are the student,
            Eating the feast prepared for you by
Those who have gone before you,
            Finding your own path for the journey ahead.

You are the teacher,
            Instructing our children,
Telling them the secrets of the world,
            Giving them tools they need to think,
Disciplining, guiding, encouraging,
            Celebrating the soul of each.
You are the teacher,
            Always in the cycle of learning,
Teaching, and learning again.

You are the cook,
            Cutting, measuring, mixing,
Timing, stirring, watching,
            Providing sustenance for our bodies.
You are the cook,
            Adding spice and color,
Preparing a feast for our stomachs and eyes,
            Making communion possible.

You are the actor/actress,
            Walking in another’s shoes,
Choosing to match actions to words,
            Entertaining, challenging the masses to think.
You are the actor/actress,
            Learning the difference
Between reality and fantasy,
            Expressing the truth behind the story.

You are the singer,
            Carefully exercising your voice,
Putting words to emotions, thoughts, faith,
            Creating harmony with others.
You are the singer,
            Celebrating life,
Honoring patriotism, and love, Worshiping God,
            And soothing the baby to sleep.

You are the mother,
            Up from dawn to dusk,
Creating a safe, clean place to live,
            Balancing schedules, needs, desires with resources.
You are the mother,
            Loving, caring, nurturing,
Guiding, protecting, nursing,
            Each relationship, each individual soul.

You are the child,
            Waiting, wondering, anticipating,
Plunging in carefree,
            Laughing and enjoying each pleasure.
You are the child,
            Scared of the unknown,
Unsure of your abilities,
            Looking for a hand to hold.

You are all that you imagine yourself to be,
            And you are all that you have not yet discovered.
You are no more and no less than a child of God,
            An essential part of the never-ending tapestry
Of the Spirit.