Monday, November 27, 2017


Gratitude Month #26: Three Little-Big Things

The TECHNOLOGY that allows me to share my thoughts with you and read yours—phones, computers, social media, blogs etc. I know it is not perfect, that it can cause headaches or nervous breakdowns, that we can abuse this as well as anything we’ve ever had. AND it is also a gift, a wonderful gift, to be able to connect with others, even on days when I can’t afford to get out for lunch or spend hours on the phone. I am grateful.

I’m grateful for DREAMS for creativity, for having ideas come that offer new and different ways of looking at things. I love that after however many millennia we've been on this earth, humans are still thinking of new ways, still creating as the creator gives us vision to do so. For instance, I’m so glad that when there is healing to be done, immediately many people start imagining and praying for what will bring that healing. And then one day, we put our heads together and allow the miracle of it to happen.

I’m grateful for the incredible ABILITY OF THE HUMAN BODY TO HEAL. Our generous Creator had given us so much to work with. And I pray that I will get better at taking care of this body of mine and allowing it the proper avenues for healing to happen. It blows my mind that people battle cancer, get new hips and knees replaced, come back from stroke and devastating illness! I am so grateful for this gift of healing and pray that all of us find our way to be part of it.

And then there is the mystery of how sometimes, technology encourages the dream to grow and become real and as the dream is realized, the body heals. 

with gratitude,


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