Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Fleeting Thought

I sent a thought out into the breeze
and it blew away like dandelion seeds
I could watch it go for a second or two
and then it was gone
now what do i do?

It was a brilliant thought, if I recall
But of course I don't remember at all
I can only briefly and brilliantly surmise
that it was something amazing
for I am quite wise

If only wisdom and memory could meet
If only they sang songs together so sweet
then I'd remember why I started this poem
now where was I going?
I guess I'll forget this one

~ Jules, April 30, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017


Tonight, I was answering Dragonfly Project customer service mail. I'm not always as responsive as I could be but tonight I had an opportunity to offer some kindness to someone who had accidentally ordered the wrong thing. So I took the time to write a special note back to them. I don't know if it will make a difference but in the moment I thought of all the times people, for no other reason than kindness and generosity, offered me some grace.

My friend Barbara McAfee has this song "Kindness" that I just love. I've been fortunate to sing this song with her and others several times. I have to say it is a song that has gotten under my skin. I especially love this line "if those who owed us nothing, gave us nothing, how poor we'd be. The very source of life itself is generosity."

It's true! Where would be without the generosity of strangers? How would have ever made it this far with kindness and generosity? So often, we are encouraged to be focused on our selves. what do we need? What will best for us? Well, along the way I've discovered that sometimes what is best for me is to be generous and kind to a person, perhaps even someone I don't know. It's not just a gift to them but a gift to myself to add some love to the universe. Maybe this is the way my heart gets a chance to grow. Whatever the case, I hope my gesture helped in some way.

You can listen to Barbara's song here:

UPDATE: I heard back from the customer, who was grateful for the extra personal contact. She plans to  order more cards from us. And she feels her heart has been heard. Kindness. It's a powerful thing.