Chemo #3--July 22, 2020
Just a month ago, I was having surgery to place a port in my chest for chemotherapy treatments. Today, I had my 3rd AC (Adriamycin/Cytoxan) Chemo treatment and I had an amazing day. For that I am grateful and I am quite sure you all have been a part of that.
I woke up early, which is normal for me. I felt rested and energetic so I went and weeded in Pete's garden a little before he even woke up. Then I made breakfast. We had a virtual visit with my oncologist which was short and sweet. I found out my blood counts are doing well which lifted my spirits considerably. Then Pete dropped me off at Southdale Hospital for my Chemo.
So far, for me, the chemo treatment room, which has other people gettting treated, is a very calm place, a peaceful place. And I am lucky to not have any nausea so I can just relax about that. The time, 2 hrs, just flies by and it's over before I hardly do anything on my computer.
Afterward, Pete got me my favorite take-out foods...Leann Chin sesame chicken and a stop at the bakery for a carmel roll. I can't eat much at once but what I did was delicious.
Then I had a very rich conversation with an old friend who has been growing alongside me for 40 years! And after that, another friend made a song and sent it to me...what a gift! and I got to chat with her too. Meantime the mail came and in it another card encouraging me.
So then, I had energy to make Pete dinner and for that too, I am grateful. Tomorrow, I will likely be more tired as the chemo sinks into my body. I am learning that my body is more vulnerable than I had expected, that I can't just fight off everything or recover like normal from activity. And that vulnerability is teaching me to enjoy the energy days even more.
Meantime, I can't thank all of my friends enough, for the cards, the love, the support, the offers of help and prayer and song. I know we're supposed to be doing something to change the world now, to overcome racism and other things. What if we all flooded the world with kind thoughts, love, support, cards, kind deeds? what if we could change the world with intention and prayer and song?
This card came today! |
Tonight I'll sleep well and then....
Tomorrow will bring its own challenges and vulnerability.
Tomorrow I'll still have a beautiful community of friends and family.
Tomorrow I'll still have the trees in my back yard.
Tomorrow I'll have the option to surrender to rest and healing.
And I'll hope to have energy to share the love and kindness with my neighbor, that the kindness might change the world.
Good night! Sleep well.
Thank you for the beautiful report. Our prayers continue for you.