Thursday, August 25, 2016

First steps

sweet chubby bare feet cutting their first paths across the hardwood floor arms out for balance and reaching my grandson learning to walk and climb and tumble and bump into things which I find so encouraging inspired again in my own journey to take the path accept the bumps and falls and rise again strong daring greatly sparkling eyes grin his mouth opens in wonder and I'm inspired again to enjoy the moment wallow in the joy of it living life as it comes
every step another adventure ~grandma jules, 8/25/16

Saturday, August 20, 2016


Hello my dear friends!

I am so excited to be offering 2 workshops this fall! Both workshops are designed to be experiential. You will get a chance to try some new ways of thinking, writing and listening. You will go home with things you can use in your everyday life.

I hope you will be able to join us! If you are interested in either of these but can't make these dates, please let me know at I/we plan to offer both workshops later. Also stay tuned for a Writing-Part 2 workshop.

blessings on your listening!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hold that Thought Please!

Here comes that inspiration.
What a wonderful train of thought!
I'm running down to the station to meet it
Let's write it down, then let's do it.
But on the way I get distracted.
I wander off to check out something else.
I start making tea to drink while I write.
The phone rings and I answer.
I remember I'm thirsty so back to the tea
Now where was I?
Uh-oh! the train has the left the station.
And the inspiration did not get off!
It's gone!
I hate it when my brain doesn't hold the thought for me
Perhaps when the next train comes I'll be ready?

(true story written by jules, 8/17/16)