Monday, August 17, 2020

The Storm is Passing Over: update

This is just a short update to let you all know I did make it home from the hospital on Saturday evening but not until I had a blood transfusion. This was a first for me and and interesting experience to see the bag full of  someone else's blood going in. It was a good thing and helped me a lot. My thanks to all those who give blood to help others. I am extremely grateful.

Sunday was still a day of struggle but without that hospital visit and blood transfusion, I wouldn't have made it through yesterday. After a morning of diarrhea and some additional bladder pain, the antibiotics finally kicked in and things settled down. Sunday night I slept 9 hours. It was good! There is nothing like a great night of sleep for healing. 

Today, Monday, has been much better day. I've had some energy to do things. I have had a better appetite and eaten better. My nurse reassured me in a call today that I would get better and that the next round would not be as hard. I am hopeful.

I go to bed tonight with hope, with prayers for continued healing, with gratitude for the hearts of so many who love and care for each other. 

Good night all,

Jules 8/17/2020


  1. So glad to hear you are feeling better, Julie! The mantra that comes to mind is “Expect the unexpected”. It sounds as though that could be said of chemotherapy. I do hope that from this day forward, you only experience the “expected”
