Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Living Downwind from Eden

Downwind from Eden is a good place to be. It can be messy and complicated but when the winds of grace are blowing, you get this wonderful aroma of love, acceptance, joy and peace. Like last night, I was feeling awful, kind of chest cold settling in deep along with some loneliness in my heart. I was attending my hospice choir practice; at least most of me was there. At the end, I still felt as if I could slink away with my heavy darkness without anyone really noticing. And then from across the room, this sweet woman, gray hair and twinkle in her eye came and gave me one of those hugs. I hope for your sake, you know the hug I'm talking about. This was the kind of hug when you know you aren't just being greeted out of courtesy. This was the extended hug when you know your soul is being savored and consoled and welcomed. This morning, I'm still wallowing a bit in self pity but the sweet aroma of grace and the remembrance of those loving arms are making me grateful I live just downwind from Eden.

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