Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sometimes a hug is all you need

Sometimes, a hug is all you need.

Yesterday, I was singing in the choir at my church. And this young woman, Robbin, was singing a solo in her young soprano voice. It was sweet and tender and pure. It tugged at my heart strings.

"Shall we gather at the river where bright angel feet have trod,
with its crystal tide forever flowing from the throne of God?"

I feel like some privileged aunt or sister to know such a sweet soul as this young woman. She's the best hugger and she's been at it her whole life already. Robbin has often helped me remember a very simple truth; love is all you need.

I think I first met Robbin's mom at a retreat for women from our church. Being away, we got to know each other quickly and became friends. From then on, whenever she saw me at church, she would give me a hug and so would her two daughters. Robbin was probably only 6 or 7 years old at the time. I've been looking for Robbin every Sunday ever since. And every time I find her, she gives me a full on hug and I give her one back. That's it. We don't talk much. We don't get together in between but I consider it one of the most important friendships in my life. That's about 50 hugs a year for the last 10 years. That's 500 or more hugs! And it doesn't stop there. I get hugs from her big sister, Stefanie, and her mom too. No wonder, I love my church so much! No wonder, I find so much love in my heart. Robbin and her sister and mother keep putting more back in. They keep filling me up.

And the other day when I knew she was going to sing the solo, I gave her one of my big hugs. And afterward, she gave me another one of hers. I left full again.

So this morning I just want to offer my gratitude for this amazing friendship and the Huggers: Sue and her two daughters, Robbin and Stefanie. I'm feeling rich indeed.

Sometimes all you need is a hug.

thanks Huggers!

~Jules, 11/04/14

Sunday, November 16, 2014


My work is calling and some of it is I am experiencing a tug of war within...the jules on the left is in favor of sticking with it through the challenging part and getting it done and the jules on the right favors finding some pleasurable distraction, perhaps a movie or writing an email to a friend. I'd like to believe that I'll be better at this in the morning but I am afraid this will not be so. So the tug of war continues...I love this work, I want to do it well and yet I resist the doing of it. I like having the challenge of reaching beyond my comfort level and I also want it all to flow easier so I can get this done.

And so it is when living downwind from Eden....sometimes it is not clear if I am winning or losing, making progress or just walking in circles. Sometimes life is just messy.

~jules, November 16, 2014