Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I was raised by conservative Norwegian American Lutherans who were both born before 1920. They were wonderful loving parents with a wide variety of interests, talents, and skills. Both were musical so they shared that and other passions with us. In contrast, it was against etiquette and proper Christian living in their eyes to express yourself in anyway that would hint of pride or self worth. Whew! 53 years later it is still sometimes a struggle to say out loud who I am and what the gifts are that i am so eager to share. One of those gifts is writing. Just last week I self-published my first book (see previous posts for links). Selling it is a completely different ball game. so today, in effort to begin breaking through that barrier I offer the following declarations...

I AM A WRITER…a poet, a publisher...I love words!

I AM A PHOTOGRAPHER,…sketch artist, graphic design...I love colors!

I AM A SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR...holy listener, loving friend...I love being with you in the search for truth!

I AM AN ORGANIZER…office worker, mom...I love order!

I AM A MISSIONARY KID...Malagasy, French, Norwegian, world traveler...I love meeting people from all over the world!

I AM A SINGER...choir, song circle, hospice choir, voice lessons, song leader...I love singing in harmony with others!

I AM A MOTHER...raised 4 boys, stayed home full time with them...I love to reach my arms out wide to any soul who needs a soft place to land; i am one!

I AM A FRIEND...tea, wine, retreats, backyards, dancing, walking, laughter, play...Ilove the joy of being together!

I AM A VOLUNTEER..The Dragonfly Project, Christos, Morning Star Singers, Habitat for Humanity,...I love helping others while expressing my passion and gratitude!

I AM A PRAYER...writing, labyrinth, meditation, movement, song, silence...I love being in the presence of the holy one!

I AM JUST A GIRL hoping to be who i am in a way that makes a difference without getting in the way of others finding their way.



1 comment:

  1. Nice blog. As a lover of words you might be interested in the word play involved in cryptic crosswords. I am doing a series of posts on solving cryptic clues. This was the first one I did. Hope you enjoy.
