Saturday, November 21, 2009


The journey from dark to dawn is so gradual.  It's hardly noticeable at all.  It is difficult to pinpoint the exact moment when we would call it light.  When did it stop being dark?  Was it when the sky got just light enough to begin to see the silhouette of the trees against it?  Was it when I began to see blue streaks?  It isn't until the sun rises full on the horizon that I am absolutely sure the day has come.

I think most conversion experiences are like that.  We’ve been in the dark so long, looking for the light.  Then one day, perhaps years down the road, we realize the day has come.  We are no longer in the dark.  And we can't remember at exactly what moment we stopped thinking so much about the dark and living more in the light.  It just happens.

That's what my recovery from Hans' death and my midlife crisis has been like.  I'm not sure when I stopped being that other person and became this one--the woman who wants to grab life, the woman who feels so empowered and strong, the woman who is so grateful for everything. When did I stop wanting to be passive?  When did I stop hiding under the covers? When did I begin using my true voice? All I know is that the sun has come up on the horizon.  It is morning!  I am now a child of the light and I want to live in that light!

Maybe this is happening to you.  It is frustrating because you want to know the exact moment when you can leave the darkness behind. Sometimes, it seems we dance in the dawn, the place between light and dark, for years before we are ready to move on. I just hope you can take comfort in knowing that the dawn is surely coming and with it will come the realization that you too are a child of the light.

© Julie A. Bonde, 2006

Monday, November 16, 2009

double your donation on Tuesday!

Dear friends, loved ones and acquaintances.

you are receiving this email because I sent it to everyone on my contact list. I figured for this one day, it was worth a try. I apologize if you already got a notice from someone else.

On Tuesday, November 17, 2009, every donation made to The Dragonfly Project through could be matched. Please consider giving to this project whose purpose is to bring hope to those who are grieving. We are still run only by volunteers. Nearly all donations go directly back to printing cards, making key chains and sending them out to folks who are grieving over the loss of a loved one. In our seven and half years of operation, we have sent out over 23 thousand condolence cards with story and key chain.

This project was started because our son Hans died at age 11 of a brain tumor. It was started by an 11 year old girl who now is a freshman in college. it has brought hope and miracles to thousands. it has meant everything to Pete & I. Please consider giving to this organization. We are a registered non-profit.

thanks for the thought and all the kindness you have shown Pete & I over the years.


Julie Bonde

God loves, I live...
I love, I live...
God leads, I follow...
It's as simple as this:
Only Love!

Whispers of Wisdom

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Abundance within the small and tiny!

I don't have a lot of time to write this blog but it has been a month! So much has been happening!

For the moment I just really want to put out there that God is so abundantly generous! Wow! Even within the dark moment, there is abundance! I can't wait to tell you all more.

For now, look around you. Pay attention. Be aware. Notice the little things and then start adding up all the grace, all the joy, all the diversity and beauty! notice.

reveling in the miracles,
