Sunday, September 13, 2009


I just attended a Bridge Builder event for the church I work for. For the last hour of this event, people were given a chance to speak their minds to the group. This wasn't a conversation; just a chance to say your piece with no debate, judgment or even answered questions. Some people spoke things that have been needing to be said for years. I was honored to be there and witness this example of how to live in community and faith while tension exists between  you. I was struck at the power that of breaking the silence.

Beginning the conversation after years of silence is hard, heavy, scary...and carries hope. My heart is filled with all the above and all of the below...all that is, all that isn't, all that shines, all that darkens. And in the middle a small wave of tears is forming...threatening to break through the walls. Silence can heal and silence can poison. 

There is tension in me as I discern even on a personal level, when is the time to keep silence and when is the time to break silence and speak the hard truth in kindness. There is discomfort in this space. I wonder in some cases if I'm doing the right thing by keeping silence. I wonder in others if I stepped over reasonable boundaries by speaking too much. My preference is to speak, to get things out there but not everyone feels the same about that. Not everyone is ready at the same time for the conversation.

Silence can be a nice breath of air between life and our souls, between togetherness and solitude. Silence can also create a void, a separation between us. May love bring all of us together again. 

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