Saturday, April 7, 2012


What is truth? How do you discern what is true? We often jump to conclusions, about one hundred times a day, based on our previous experience, our current perception and whether we had enough sleep last night or not. We take these hasty conclusions and project them on to everyone around as truth. It's almost laughable that we think we can live this way, from one hasty idea to the next. Truth is only really available in this moment and with our full presence. We need all our senses, taste, smell, hearing, sight, touch and intuition. We need to both fully present to our inner dialog and to what is going on with the people, animals, nature around us. The truth is always there, often right in front of our nose, if we can take a long enough break from jumping to conclusions to see it.

I've often wondered how it is when I finally let go of a particular agonizing thought, the world suddenly seems to conspire to prove me wrong and there in my lap is all I wanted and thought I would never get. Perhaps this is because when I let go of my negative thought, the conclusion I have based on my fear and previous experience; it is then that I become fully present and can see the truth that is now. The truth is more abundant and more powerful than anything we can dream up.

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