Once upon a time, a looooong time ago, there was a school in Blair, Nebraska called Dana College. It was a very tiny, 4-year liberal arts college up on the hill overlooking the town of Blair, just north of Omaha.
On, September 4th, this girl, Julie Johnson, born and raised by Lutheran missionary parents on the island of Madagascar was moving into the freshman girls' dorm. She hadn't really expected to attend collge in Nebraska but as it turned out, her parents had moved there during her senior of highschool and really wanted her to attend a school not too far away. So here she was, moving yet again, and wondering how college would go.
After getting her meager belongings up to her room, Julie said goodbye to her parents and set out to make it to the meeting with her assigned faculty advisor. Asking along the way for directions, she found her way to the correct building. Having done reasonbly well at math in highschool, Julie had declared a math major and so was assigned to a math professor for a faculty advisor. And there, in that room full of math majors, Julie first met a certain boy from Nerstrand, Minnesota named Peter Bonde. A friendship formed immediately and it wasn't long before Pete was asking Julie for date. Due to other connections and interests, she initially said no but on January 29th of the next semester the two agreed it was time to declare a relationship.
That was January 29, 1978. On Valentines Day, just two weeks, later, after a fresh snow, Julie woke up to this HUGE valentine outside her dorm window. And the rest, as they say, is history.
PB and JJ or Chuck & JJ as we called each other for awhile...have been together ever since. We married soon after graduating from Dana in 1981. And theres's been many other snow valentines over the years. What a sweet love story we've had. We love being together, learning together, living together, parenting together and we love encouraging each other to each find our own ways as well. It has been such a blessing. I am sooo grateful.
So once again I say I LOVE YOU AND LIKE YOU PETE...to the moon and back! Once again I say BE MY SWEET VALENTINE! How about we go for another couple decades of love??!!!
Happy Valentines Day to all! hope you find love within you and around you...wrapping you in peace and wholeness.
love from JJ and PB or Jules & Pete