Friday, March 27, 2009

Happily Ever After?

Greetings to all,

I was having a re-connection conversation with a childhood friend yesterday. There is such sweetness in finding each other after years of growing up, each having walked through their own valleys of shadow and back into the light. The conversation slipped into thoughts of a spiritual nature as that is an area of interest and care that we both still share. We talked about how our relationship with this being called God had changed over the years. It went something like this.

When we were kids we had this expectation that if we followed the "rules" or the "formula" then we would live happily ever after with God as a friend. This is not quite how things work out though. There is no formula, there are no rules and just simply desiring to do good does not guarantee a happily ever after life. And yet, God's love is so abundant, so overwhelmingly apparent. We are all given the very same sweet promise of having God walk right next to us each and every step of the way. Isn't that living happily ever after? What could be better than that? So what's the catch? The catch is that we still need to be brave and open ourselves to this grace. We still have uncover our faces and look into the light and let it flood our hearts. We still have to dare to believe the truth about ourselves, no matter how beautiful it is.

so...the simplicity of the promise does not guarantee that we will live within the knowledge of that promise. I feel challenged once again, and challenge you all once again, to open, to dare to live life as if you are part of this amazing promise God makes..."I will be with you, until the end of time."

